
Showing posts from March, 2019

Dream Big Think Big

Dream Big  Think Big  Believe You can Succeed And You will Cure Yourself of Excusitis, the failure disease Build confidence and destroy fear How to think big How to think and dream creatively You are what you think you are Manage your Environment; Go  First class Make Your Attitude your Allies Think Right Toward People Get the Action Habit How to turn Defeat Into Victory Use Goalto Help You Grow How to think Like a Leader? Index Learn the secret That Lies in Your  Towards Health Take Four Positive steps to lick Health Excusitis Discover why Your Thinking Power Is More Importan Than Mere Intelligence Use Your Mind For Thinking-Not Simply as a warehouse for Facts Master Easy ways to cure Intelligence Excusitis Overcome The Problem of Age-Being"Too Young" or"Too Old" Conquer Luck Excusitis and Attract Good Luck to You Use the Action Technique to cure Fear and Build Confidence Manage Your Memory so as to Increase Your Store of Confidence Over...

Jet Pilots demanded unpaid Salaries

जेट पायलटों ने   वेतन की माँग की  सैलरी दिला दो, घर चलाने के लिए मां के गहने गिरवी रखने पड़ रहे हैं Jet pilots pay salaries for demand, mortgages have to be pledged to run the house Jet Pilots demanded unpaid Salaries Give salaried, the mother's jewelry has to be pledged to run the house Jet Airways, which is reportedly a $ 1 billion loan, has failed to pay lenders and aircraft leases and has taken up most of its fleet. Pilots in the airline have made it clear that they will not fly the flight from April 1, unless they are paid their dues. When we fly to enter the cockpit, we forget that tension, but we are the only humans - Jet Airways is the message of senior commanders who had not been paid in the time of the airline in about four months, India One of the largest aviation brands in the world is entering a free fall, given its financial position. Jet Airways, which is reportedly a $ 1 billion loan, has failed to pay lenders and aircraft leases and has ta...